Annual Meeting on Christian Origins – Italian Centre for Advanced Studies on Religions
October 4 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Within the framework of the Annual Meeting on Christian Origins our colleagues Anna Mambelli and Davide Dainese of ITSERR (Italian Strengthening of the ESFRI RI RESILIENCE) participate with the following paper dedicated to the research leaded within the WP8:
“Resilient Septuagint and uBIQUity: Interrelated Research Projects on Sacred Texts and
their Heritages in the Digital World” – ANNA MAMBELLI (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) – Isabella Pignocco (University of Catania) // DAVIDE DAINESE (University of Bologna) – LAURA BIGONI (University of Bologna).
Here the program of the Annual Meeting on Christian Origins: 1.CISSR Meeting 2024_Programme