About – Inclusivity and Sustainability

The ITSERR project is committed to promoting inclusivity and sustainability within the scientific community of Religious Studies. In order to achieve these goals, the project has implemented a number of initiatives and strategies.

One key aspect of the project’s inclusivity efforts is the promotion of multilingualism. By providing access to data and resources in multiple languages, ITSERR aims to remove language barriers and ensure that researchers from all linguistic backgrounds have equal opportunities to engage with the research infrastructure.

In terms of sustainability, ITSERR is committed to supporting the long-term preservation of data and resources. This includes the development of strategies for data preservation and the implementation of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles, which ensure that data is easily discoverable and can be used by a wide range of researchers.

In addition, ITSERR is working to foster collaboration and partnerships with other research infrastructures, both within Europe and beyond. By building strong connections with other research communities, the project aims to increase the reach and impact of its work, as well as to promote the sharing of best practices and expertise.

Overall, the ITSERR project is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and sustainability within the scientific community of Religious Studies, in order to support the production of high-quality research and to drive innovation in the field.